Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Top 10 Destinations For Independent Travelers

Travel site BootsnAll, an excellent resource for anyone planning a trip, has compiled a list of the Top 10 Destinations for Independent Travelers in 2008. The editors remark that the chosen locations "combine history and culture with value for travelers who prefer to arrange their own trips and challenge themselves in the most fascinating places in the world. "

As you would expect, the list is populated with locations that are a bit off the beaten path and appeal more to the traveler with a sense of adventure. Most of these locations are distinctly "anti-touristy" and beneath the radar for many. Some of the highlights include Buenos Aires, which is called "one of the nicest European cities" despite the fact that it's in South America, and Queenstown, New Zealand, which has become an adventure sports destination year round.

Sites on the list that appeal to me include Morocco, Nepal (which comes in at number 1), and Ethiopia, which may be a destination for me in 2008 if everything comes together as expected, and I make it through a few health issues without emptying my pocketbook. Of course, I'd be happy visiting any of the locations on the list, as they all have their own appeal.

So, if you haven't booked your travel destination just yet, give the list a glance. There are some great suggestions and it may get your passport and credit card warmed up. :)

Thanks Gadling

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