Monday, January 7, 2008

GearFlogger Tames The Gear Monster

The Gear Junkie sent a tip out on another gear blog in his Daily Dose. The blog is called GearFlogger and it's pretty clear from first glance that it's a great resource for gear reviews and news. The entries are clear, concise, and to the point, with links to wear to purchase the gear and honest thoughts from the authors. There are an impressive number of posts stretching back to the middle of 2006, covering all kinds of gear items from packs, clothing, books, and lots more.

Gear Junkie says that the blog is written by a couple of guys who live in Alaska, and are experienced outdoorsman in that great state. The two Denali vets are gear fiends themselves and enjoy outdoor adventures of all kinds, and trying out new gear on those adventures.

I've already added GearFlogger to my bookmarks. If you have a love for gear, I'd suggest you do as well. More gear news is always a good thing! :)

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