Friday, January 25, 2008

The Rest of Everest: Episode 68

Episode 68 of The Rest of Everest is now available to download both from the ROE website and through iTunes. The latest episode has us once again following along with Producer Jon Miller and his friend Scott Jacobs as they continue their adventure through Nepal. This week they head off to Pokara, the gateway to Annapurna and beyond.

But before we get into the episode itself, I want to extend a huge note of congratulations to Jon and his wife Heidi who welcomed their son Sam into the World last Thursday. Sam was born on Thursday, January 17th at 3:23 PM. The future mountaineer and Everest summiteer clocked in at 8.5 pounds and 20 inches in height. Both mom and baby are doing well, but no word on how dad is faring. ;) Be sure to drop Jon a note to wish him and his growing family well.

The new episode takes off where we ended last week, with Jon and Scott on the highway that heads to Pokara. As always, the footage is quite amazing as you catch a glimpse of the Nepalese countryside. Driving in a foreign country is always an adventure in and of itself but I always enjoy seeing the different places you pass as you go. This episode really does give you a great sense of what it's like traveling through Nepal. At one point the guys stop to get a Coke, and I had to chuckle. It seems that Coca Cola really is available everywhere in the World.

The rest of the episode has the guys wandering around Pokara, which has some great scenery, including a beautiful lake, but the hazy/foggy air keeps the surrounding mountains mostly out of view. It's very cool to see this other area of Nepal that doesn't get as much attention and is more off the beaten path than Kathmandu and the Everest region.

On a side note, I found it humorous that Jon and I name the computers on our networks with the same naming scheme. You'll have to watch the video to find out how big of geeks we truly are. ;)

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