Sunday, January 27, 2008

Alan Summits Orizaba!

Yesterday morning Alan Arnette released the latest audio dispatch from Mt. Orizaba in Mexico with the excellent news that he had summitted the mountain.

In the dispatch, Alan notes that the final push took only five hours, but was still quite steep and challenging. Orizaba stands 18,695 feet, making in the third tallest mountain in North America, trailing only Denali and Mt. Logan. It is an extinct volcano with a large and impressive crater, and stunning views of the Gulf of Mexico to the East and surrounding mountain ranges to the West.

For Alan, this is his final big climb before heading to Everest this Spring, and it comes just weeks after he topped out on Aconcagua, the tallest mountain in South America. In this dispatch he comments that the next time we hear his voice, it will be from Everest, as he continues his Road Back to Everest and his efforts to raise money for the Cure Alzheimer's Fund.

I want to extend congratulations to Alan and the rest of the members of his team for bagging another peak. Now just one more to go!

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