Thursday, January 24, 2008

More Gear From OR Winter 2008

The Trailspace Blog over at has been updated with several gear posts from this year's Winter Outdoor Market Show going on right now in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The show is held twice a year with the big gear companies showing off their new wares, which usually won't be available for several months at least. For gear hounds, it's like Christmas coming a second time, as it's usually a good glimpse into what is coming down the line and the trends that the industry is chasing.

Trailspace has posted some impressions on new snowshoes from Kahtoola, a headlamp that recharges through a tiny solar panel, the Ascentionsit Jacket from Patagonia, and the SteriPEN Journey, an ultraviolet water purifier from SteriPEN that automatically cleans your drinking water while on the trail.

Cool stuff so far, and I expect more soon. Perhaps those tax rebates the government approved will be spent on some new gear. After all, we have to stimulate the economy right? It's the patriotic thing to do! ;)

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