Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Smithsonian Magazine's 28 Must See Sights

Smithsonian Magazine has put together another interesting list for us, this time it's their 28 Must See Sights from around the World. They call it their version of the Life List and their eclectic group of travelers came up with some really great places to visit on your journeys abroad.

The "Sights" are broken down into a few categories, such as "Portals To The Past", "Feats of Engineering", and "Scale New Heights". Each of the categories has four great destinations with links to more information on each of them. For example, they list Kilimanjaro under the "Scale New Heights" category and link to their own page on the mountain. Other places making the list include The Galapagos Islands, Angkor Wat, The Louvre, and Machu Picchu. There are plenty of other amazing places listed as well, with some great ideas for your next adventure.

I've been to a number of places on their list, and I can vouch for how wonderful they can be. If 1000 Places To See is just too many, then start with just this list. It'll keep you plenty busy for a long time, and as the editors write: "Whether you visit only a couple of these destinations or all 28, your life will be enriched by the experience." Amen to that!

Thanks Gadling!

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