Monday, January 28, 2008

Update and Images From Antarctica

The Hardwear Session Blog has posted another update from Antarctica written by Jon Bowermaster who has taken a team to the frozen continent to survey the health of the ice shelf and the effects of global warming on the region.

Bowermaster, who has paddled every ocean and sea on the planet, says that he gets an extra special thrill out of paddling in the South Arctic Ocean because of the danger of the near freezing water, the giant sea creatures that they share the ocean with, and the amazing scenery.

In this update, he says that the team has reached their furthest point South at 67 degrees latitude. The ice flows at that point were too thick to continue, even by kayak. He remarks that the weather has been beautiful and they've been fortunate, so they'll spend a few more days in the area before proceeding on to a different one that they hope to survey next.

One of the best features of this update is a stunning array of photos that are worth the price of admission alone. Definitely check them out. There are some amazing shots.

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