Friday, January 4, 2008

Climbing For A Cause: The Mt. Washington Observatory

I read a lot of stories about people who are climbing for a cause and seeking to raise money and awareness for what ever issue they choose to champion. Those causes vary greatly, but the climbers all care deeply for them and take their climbs seriously. Which brings us to Seek The Peak, a fund raising hike/climb that will take place on July 25th and 26th of this year. More than 250 climbers will make their way to the summit of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire to raise $70,000 for the Mt. Washington Observatory, which is a non-profit organization itself.

I count astronomy amongst my (far too many) interests, so a climb like this one gets my attention pretty quickly. You can check out the complete list of hikers and even donate to the cause for any one of them. But if you don't know anyone personally, you might consider donating to Blue Dog, a regular viewer of The Rest of Everest. ROE producer Jon Miller put me on this event, and I think it's a good one.

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