Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Third Grader Summits For His School

I saw this story today over at the GoBlog at It's a post on Evan Whitemyer, a third grade student who has decided to climb ten 4000 foot peaks this year as a fund raiser for his school.

Evan attends South Shore Charter Public School in Norwell, Massachusetts. His school is attempting to become more "Green", as are a lot of institutions these days. As many of you know, "going green" is not easy or cheap, so Evan hopes to raise $5000 that his school can use toward improving it's recycling program, reducing it's energy use, and generally becoming a more Earth friendly place. A worthy cause to be sure.

Along the way, Evan will be blogging his climbs. In his first post, he says that last year he climbed seven mountains, three of which were 4000 footers. This year, he hopes to make that at least 10. He's also well on his way to his goal, having already raised $730.

I have to give the young man a tip of the hat. Not only is he doing something that will help his school, he's also showing a keen awareness of environmental issues for someone his age. It's a pretty impressive goal and I wish him the best of luck on his adventure. Very cool story!

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