Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The (e)X(web)-Files: The Truth Is Out There!

Did anyone else read this article posted yesterday over at ExWeb? I'm not really sure what to make of it. Is it a practical joke? Does the calendar read April 1st? Is it the plot for the next X-Files movie?

Essentially, ExWeb picked up the story which was a dispatch from this site which is purported to be from someone who did a last degree ski trek to the South Pole. While there Kevin Dempsey and his team reportedly visited Project IceCube, an experimental station designed to observe neutrinos from distant stellar bodies in space.

Kevin's dispatch reads like an episode of the aforementioned X-Files in that he claims that the project is a big cover-up for what's really going on. He believes that a huge underground station is being built to welcome aliens from space and to prepare them to be introduced into the general population on Earth, where they will slowly begin to take over. He called it an "Alien Receptor Centre". He goes on in some detail about the allegedly strange things going on down at the South Pole that he and others observed while there.

While reading the story I couldn't help but wonder if I had inadvertently gone to the wrong website or if perhaps Art Bell had made an expedition to the South Pole. It's certainly an odd thing to read, and stranger so to see on ExWeb. I have as vivid an imagination and am as open minded as just about anyone. After all, I've blogged on both Sasquatch and the Yeti. But this sounds like the plot of a John Carpenter film. Perhaps Mr. Dempsey is hoping to capitalize on the current writer's strike in Hollywood and is looking to get his script published. ;)

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