Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Want To Run Across The World?

Run Across The World (RAW) is a series of ultramarathon events that will take place on five continents (Sorry Antarctica and Australia), challenging competitors to complete a 250 km course over five days. Racers will be expected to carry all of the supplies they need with them as they head out onto the course.

The first event is RAW Africa, which will take place April 21st - 25th in Cape Town, South Africa. From there, the other events will be held in Mexico, Spain, The UK, Japan and Dubai. The final leg of the series will be take place at The North Pole.

The entry fee of 500 British Pounds (about $975) gets you airport transfers to the course while in South Africa, a support crew to set up your tent each night (tent included), accommodations at a hotel for two nights (one before, one after the race), bottled water, and of course, the always popular post race dinner.

So, if you're an endurance athlete who is looking for a new challenge in exotic locations, be sure to check out the Run Across The World events. This looks like a really great series of events. I'm looking forward to following them, and can't wait to see how the North Pole marathon works out. How many ultras have you keeping your eyes peeled for polar bears while you compete.

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